Friday, 2 January 2015


Bread Experience

While taking cooking this year I learnt how to make bread in one of the units. I have to say that bread was my favorite thing to make as is has such simple basic ingredients yet can have such a variety of flavors and uses. During the bread unit I learnt many things and it has given me abilities that will help me grow in my ability to cook.

For my lab at the end of this unit my partner and I made Kalacs. Kalacs is a Hungarian sweet bread often served during easter and was also new to both my partner and I so we had to rely on the things about bread that we learned in previous lessons. I remember this lab being somewhat confusing due to our lack of preparation, but in the end it made us realize how important being prepared is and how if we focus we can actually get things done. 

Kalacs Sweet Bread.

Our bread turned out okay, but we could have done things to make our bread turn out better and make the process flow better. Since we only read the recipe the day of the lab ( wont do that again ) we realized there was plenty of information missing and we had to guess and rely on the knowledge we had to make the bread successful. At the beginning of making our bread we noticed that the recipe was only telling us how to make bread using a stand mixer yet we were not supposed to use one. This made us have to figure out how to blend all the ingredients together in order to make a successful bread. The recipe of our bread also only mentioned adding warm milk to the yeast, but in class we only ever talked about adding warm water. This added confusion but once we clarified with our chef we were able to actually start making bread.

Even though we had our struggles, we did have positive experiences in this lab. I was paired with my best friend for this lab, which made things a lot easier since it wasn't has hard to communicate to each other and ask each other questions. We both remembered most key important parts of making bread, such as making sure the milk wasn’t too warm or too cold, or remembering to add a bit of flour at a time while forming the bread.

This lab/unit taught me that bread is a very important food as it can be made for so many uses and can be involved into all kinda of traditions or events such as for a religious dinner, a side dish, an appetizer, main part of a meal, ect. It also taught me to have more patience because we had to allow the bread to rise.

Overall this was one of my favorite labs. I definitely would do better if I had to redo it again, but learning through mistakes is what makes you better at cooking. 

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